What we did in Barcelona
Mo, 22.04.13 Arrival of the Germans at 11pm
Tue, 23.04.13 Discovering Malgrat in the morning
Arrival of the Spaniards by bus in the afternoon
We, 24.04.13 Arrival of the Slovaks by plane at 9.40 am
Visiting the cathedral and Barrio Gothic
Lunch in the harbor
Working part 1: Giving the prepared presentations at 4 pm
about food, housing conditions, free-time and
In new groups (multinational), we drew up new
presentations about the common features and
differences between Spain, Slovakia and Germany
concerning the five topics.
Thu, 25.04.13 A day in Port Aventura near Tarragona
Fr, 26.04.13 „Zukunftswerkstatt“ (future workshop) by Robert Jungk
Step one
: What do we like/dislike in Europe?
These are our results:
Then we worked on presentations about a better Europe (Step 2). Here they are:
First presentation: English Drama
We built two groups , on the one hand a hard-working German group and on the other hand a lazy Greece group. The play consists of 3 scenes .
The first scene is set in the past where the Germans work really hard and can’t concentrate on their work , because the Greeks make some noise and party all day (all night).
The Germans ask them to be quiet but they don’t care and say we should relax like them .
The second scene plays in the present where the Greeks beg the Germans for help (money) .
At the beginning the Germans hesitate and think about it but then they support them financially provided that they (Greeks) give it back some day.
And at last the third scene plays in the future .
The third scene consists of two parts.
→ the positive future and the negative future
In the positive future the Greeks work together with the Germans and they give them their money back.
In the negative future the Greeks influence the German working behavior so that they care less about their working habits and party with them all night .
Second presentation:
Future Workshop Barcelona 2013
Our project for the future workshop was a play about the future in Europe. After a long time of thinking, we decided, that we wanted to perform a play, which included all 3 languages in a normal daily routine situation. At first, our group planned to stage it in an airport, but later we decided upon a play in a restaurant. The play was divided into 2 scenes. The first scene was set in the present and the second in the future. In the first scene, the guests place their orders in English to the waiter, but the problem is, that the waiter can’t understand English very well and so they can’t get their food and drinks. The second part of the play is about the future. The guests talk in English, German and Slovak to the waiter. New is, that the waiter understands all languages without any problems.
Third presentation
Barcelona 2013: Our future – workshop
After we had gotten the task to think about the future in Europe, we discussed our ideas of making a presentation about it. But our group couldn’t come to terms so we made a compromise that allowed everyone to prepare their own presentation.
First of all some of us wrote a short story:
Secondly some prepared a poem about independence:
Thirdly some of us conducted an interview with a Chinese person visiting Europe:
And at last some drew a picture about the specials in our three countries:
Fourth presentation:
Our future → Workshop
In our group we thought about the future in Europe.
We all drew a picture. In the picture you can see a classroom where a teacher teaches the new language with the name „Èuropißh“. This language is for all countries in Europe to better understand each other. The picture below shows an example for this language: „Buenos rägen“ for „Good morning“. After drawing the picture we wrote a poem with the same topic and message.
Are you Slovak, German, Spanish?
Do you wanna speak Europißh?
Now it is the right time,
try it and you`ll be fine.
First forget what you learned in past
and run to our language school fast.
But remember this language is not easy
it can often make you dizzy.
It is the best of our languages,
You´ll be a master at writing messages!
The Europißh will connect us all,
we won´t be separated anymore.
Sooooooooooooo schön ist Comenius!!!
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